Steve Graves
Owner & FOUNDING Partner

Steve Graves is a strategist, CEO advisor and author. At any given time, Steve is working with a handful of remarkable executives leading large global organizations and young, hungry entrepreneurs just starting out. He has authored twenty books and worked with thousands of leaders weaving themes of strategy, leadership and faith hoping to help people flourish in their life and work. Additionally, he co-owns a half-dozen companies across multiple industries. When Steve is not steering notable leaders or creating content and frameworks, you might find him back-casting in the cold clear rivers of northwest Arkansas.

Ben Cashion
Managing Partner

For the past 15 years, Ben has been riding copilot with top-notch CEOs and business owners from a diverse set of industries. During his time as a coach, he has worked with a range of organizations from multi-billion dollar companies to startups as leaders make decisions with significant financial and personal repercussions. From the P&L to strategic execution, from leadership challenges to cap table decisions, Ben brings proven tools and frameworks to the highest leverage, highest value, and highest impact places of a leader's world. Outside of work, he lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas with his wife and three kids. They can often be found hiking or canoeing at their favorite place, the Buffalo National River.

Richard Cole
Senior Partner

Over the last 20 years, Richard has helped launch and lead 6 unique organizations across the non-profit, for-profit, and coaching spaces. Through that work, he discovered a passion for helping leaders and teams operate with clarity, candor, and excellence so that they can truly get the most out of their work. Richard helps leaders drive connection and action towards the legacy they want to leave personally, professionally, and spiritually. Additionally, he is a Certified EOS Implementer. Richard, his wife Kristen, and their five kids live in Fayetteville, AR, who many believe is one step away from heaven on earth.

Kile Graves
Senior Partner

For the past decade, Kile has been leading teams as both an owner and operator within multiple organizations. He began his career within a leadership development program inside Walmart Inc. before switching lanes and co-founding two companies - one of which grew to $4M in four years. Kile has 31 years of exposure and application of Cornerstone Frameworks and has been implementing them with leaders and organizations his whole life. He brings his passion for business growth and spiritual formation into the heart of each client. Kile and his wife, Esther, live in Fayetteville, AR with their two kids. When he’s not working, you’ll catch him on a mountain bike or on a river fishing.

phil sineath

For fifteen years Phil served with a global franchising organization and helped launch a multinational professional services firm. During this time, he encountered the complex challenges and significant decisions that accompany rapid growth. Having supported both global senior leaders and local market leaders through periods of complexity and change, Phil understands both the inherent potential and the personal isolation leaders face. He loves to come alongside leaders in the decision-making seat with tools, concepts, and insights to help guide their organization forward. He lives in Birmingham, Alabama with his wife, Ashley, and their three children. Outside of work, you’ll often find him coaching his kids’ sports teams or getting lost in a bookstore.


David has spent the last decade walking alongside ministry and business leaders of all ages helping them become the best version of what God intended them to be. His discernment, vision, and ability to build fast trust has become a trademark of his voice and style of coaching others. He has led hundreds of volunteers, built high performance teams and loves creating productive partnerships between friends and organizations. Dave, his wife Jenna, and their two kids live in Fayetteville, AR, and when he has free time, you can assume he is on the golf course.

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